This demo illustrates how to show/hide Telerik
UI for ASP.NET AJAX or other ASP.NET controls using AJAX requests. Consider these two important details:
- The controls that are initially hidden should reside in an always visible container (ASP:Panel in this case) which is marked as an updated control through setting the RadAjaxManager.
- RadControls will register their skins automatically when updated via RadAjaxManager or RadAjaxPanel. When using MS UpdatePanels, you need to register the skins manually as explained in this help topic (since the ASP.NET AJAX framework does not support dynamic skin registration for initially invisible controls).
It is a common scenario for ASP.NET applications to show/hide controls as a result of user interaction or some event.
You can have the same functionality with RadAjaxManager or RadAjaxPanel as well, but you should have the following in mind — RadAjaxManager relies on the HTML output of controls to be updated, and that's why you need to put the control that should be updated in an always visible container like ASP:Panel. Then set in the RadAjaxManager the AJAX pairs where the AJAX initiator control should update the ASP:Panel. In the code-behind, set the Visible property of the control that should be shown/hidden to true or false accordingly.