This example demonstrates how to perform edit/update/delete/insert operations in
RadGrid using an external form for this purpose.
The sample focuses on how to AJAX-enable a
RadGrid control programmatically (when residing in a user control) and use the edit/add buttons in the grid individually (intercepting the
ItemCreated server event of the control - see the
RadAjaxManager -> Partial Ajaxificationdemo for reference). The sample also illustrates how to change the declaratively set AJAX settings for the update/delete/insert buttons from the external form to update the grid instance instead of the form itself. This is done by intercepting the
OnAjaxSettingCreating event of the
RadAjaxManager in which we determine the initiator of the AJAX request and change the updated control dynamically.
- Click the Edit icon in a grid row to edit its date in an external form.
- Click the 'Add new employee' button in the command item to insert a new grid row through an external form.
- Delete grid items by either selecting a row and clicking the 'Delete selected employee' link at the top of the grid or choose to edit a row and then press the 'Delete' button from the external form.