The example demonstrates how to customize a day in the ASP.NET AJAX Calendar - its background color and text content using the client- and server-side DayRender event.
The server-side DayRender event is fired after the generation of every calendar cell object and just before it gets rendered to the client. It is the last place where changes to the already constructed calendar cells can be made.
The client-side DayRender event is fired for every calendar day cell when the calendar is rendered as a result of client-side navigation. This event can be used to apply final changes to the output (content and visual styles) just before the content is displayed.
The demo illustrates how to utilize the DayRender server and client events of RadCalendar to customize the appearance of the rendered date. Note that in order to apply changes purely client-side attaching the DayRender client event, you need to navigate to a different month and thus force the calendar to re-render itself.