This demo shows the most commonly used properties of RadDropDownTree and their effects on the control.
When the entries fill up the entries area you could hover the control and a tool tip will appear.
Keep in mind that all of the entries are removed when the delimiters are changed.
Here is a brief explanation of what these properties do.
The dropdown auto-width functionality of the RadDropDownTree is enabled through the AutoWidth property from the DropDownSettings section.
By setting the ExpandNodeOnSingleClick property to true the nodes of the embedded tree are expanded on single click on their
text, otherwise double click is needed.
CheckNodeOnClick property allows checking and unchecking a node by clicking on it.
Closing the dropdown after a new selection is made can be controlled with the CloseDropDownOnSelection property
from the DropDownSettings section.
EntriesDelimiter property is the delimiter between the entries (default value ';').
FullPathDelimiter property is the delimiter in the full path of an entry (default value '/').