Modules are special units in RadEditor, used for providing some statistics or for easier setting of properties for HTML elements.
Modules can dynamically change their content and provide some level of interactivity. Just change some text and see the changes appear immediately in the HTML View Module.
RadEditor comes with several modules included:
- Statistics
- DOM Inspector
- Node Inspector
- Real-Time HTML View
The modules could be visible or hidden via the Module Selector tool
They can be registered:
- Inline in the RadEditor's declaration using the <Modules> and <telerik:EditorModule>inner-tags:
<telerik:radeditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1">
<telerik:EditorModule Name="RadEditorStatistics" Visible="true" Enabled="true"/>
<telerik:EditorModule Name="RadEditorDomInspector" Visible="true" Enabled="true"/>
<telerik:EditorModule Name="RadEditorNodeInspector" Visible="true" Enabled="true"/>
<telerik:EditorModule Name="RadEditorHtmlInspector" Visible="true" Enabled="true"/>
- Via the codebehind:
using Telerik.Web.UI;
EditorModule htmlInspector = new EditorModule();
htmlInspector.Name = "RadEditorHtmlInspector";
htmlInspector.Visible = true;
- Via the ToolsFile.xml file:
<module name="RadEditorStatistics" dockingZone="Bottom" enabled="true" visible="true" />
<module name="RadEditorDomInspector" dockingZone="Module" enabled="true" visible="true" />
<module name="RadEditorNodeInspector" dockingZone="Module" enabled="true" visible="true"/>
<module name="RadEditorHtmlInspector" dockingZone="Module" enabled="true" visible="false" />
More information about the built-in modules is available in the following help article: Types of Modules.
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