Plot Bands are colored ranges which are used to highlight certain areas in the ASP.NET AJAX Chart.
You can create them by populating the PlotBands collection with <telerik:PlotBand />
items for both X and Y axis.
Plot Band could be configured independently by specifying the following properties:
- From — the start of the plot band.
- To — the end of the plot band.
- FromDate — the end date of the plot band for a date axis.
- ToDate — the end date of the plot band for a date axis.
- Alpha — the opacity of the plot band.
- Color — the color of the plot band.
The values of From and To properties refer to:
The index of the corresponding category for categorical chart types (e.g.,
Area, Bar, Column, etc.). Also applicable for a date axis.
- The axis value for the numerical axis of a categorical chart (under
The X or Y value for numerical chart types (e.g., Scatter,
Scatter Line, Bubble).
The values of the FromDate and ToDate properties are DateTime objects for use on a date axis. These two properties are available as of R1 2019.