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    Total Formats

    BulgariaBulgaria Total FranceFrance Total GreeceGreece Total HungaryHungary Total ItalyItaly Total RomaniaRomania Total SpainSpain Total UKUK TotalGrand Total
    MicrovanAdvanced Services Ace
    Continential World Corp
    Digital Corporate
    Executive Imagination
    Interactive Key Software
    Internet Innovation Telecom
    Networks Future Ll
    Profit Interworks
    Server Compu
    Superior Outsourcing LLC
    Grand Total
    of 7Page size:
    • Demo Configurator
    The current example demonstrates the different calculations RadPivotGrid can apply on your data. Instead of presenting the whole Total number you can show other information - for example, what percentage of the GrandTotal is the value in particular cell. Calculations are applied through the TotalFormat property collection exposed on the PivotGridAggregateField class. TotalFormat features the following properties:
    • TotalFunction – what type of calculation should be applied to the aggregate values
    • GroupName – if any, which group the calculations should be performed against. For example, the DifferenceFrom operation will calculate the difference between the current aggregate value and the aggregate value for the specified group.
    • Axis – which axis the calculations should be carried out against. For instance, the DifferenceFrom operation requires a group to be specified but this group can be present both on the Rows and Columns axis.
    • Level –sets which field to apply the calculation on - for example if you have three RowGroupFields, the first one will have level 0, second one - level 1 and the third one - level.
    Let's go through a quick example: Say, we need to present all aggregate calculations as the difference between each aggregate value and the aggregate value that comes up for the Digital Corporate subgroup. Now, the Digital Corporate group is on level 1 at the Rows axis. The TotalFunction evidently should be set to the DifferenceFrom operator. Upon setting the controls accordingly in the config panel, just hit the Update button and see the result.
    • DefaultCS.aspx
    • DefaultCS.aspx.cs
    <%@ Page Language="c#" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="DefaultCS.aspx.cs" Inherits="Telerik.PivotGrid.Examples.TotalFormats.DefaultCS" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="telerik" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" %>
    <%@ Register TagPrefix="telerik" Namespace="Telerik.QuickStart" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <head runat="server">
        <title>Telerik ASP.NET Example</title>
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <telerik:RadScriptManager runat="server" ID="RadScriptManager1" />
        <telerik:RadSkinManager ID="RadSkinManager1" runat="server" ShowChooser="true" />
       <div class="demo-container no-bg">
     <telerik:RadAjaxManager ID="RadAjaxManager1" runat="server" DefaultLoadingPanelID="RadAjaxLoadingPanel1">
                <telerik:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="RadPivotGrid1">
                        <telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="RadPivotGrid1"></telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl>
                <telerik:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="ConfiguratorPanel1">
                        <telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="ConfiguratorPanel1"></telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl>
                        <telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="RadPivotGrid1"></telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl>
        <telerik:RadAjaxLoadingPanel ID="RadAjaxLoadingPanel1" runat="server">
        <telerik:RadPivotGrid RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="RadPivotGrid1" AllowPaging="true" OnNeedDataSource="RadPivotGrid1_NeedDataSource"
            AllowSorting="true" AllowFiltering="false" ShowFilterHeaderZone="false">
            <PagerStyle Mode="NextPrevNumericAndAdvanced" AlwaysVisible="true"></PagerStyle>
                <telerik:PivotGridRowField DataField="TransportType">
                <telerik:PivotGridRowField DataField="Company">
                <telerik:PivotGridColumnField DataField="Country">
                <telerik:PivotGridColumnField DataField="City">
                <telerik:PivotGridAggregateField DataField="Profit" Aggregate="Sum" DataFormatString="{0:C}">
                <telerik:PivotGridAggregateField IsHidden="true" DataField="Expenses" Aggregate="Sum">
                <Scrolling AllowVerticalScroll="true"></Scrolling>
        <telerik:ConfiguratorPanel runat="server" ID="ConfiguratorPanel1">
                    <qsf:ConfiguratorColumn runat="server" ID="ConfiguratorColumn1" Size="Medium">
                        <ul class="fb-group">
                                <qsf:ComboBox runat="server" Label="Total Function:" ID="rcmbTotalFunction" />
                                <qsf:TextBox ID="txtGroupName" Label="GroupName:" runat="server">
                                <qsf:ComboBox runat="server" Label="Axis:" Size="Medium" ID="rcmbAxis">
                                        <telerik:RadComboBoxItem Text="Rows" Value="Rows" Selected="true" />
                                        <telerik:RadComboBoxItem Text="Columns" Value="Columns" />
                                <qsf:NumericTextBox ID="txtLevel" Label="Level:" Size="Medium" runat="server" Value="0">
                                <qsf:Button ID="btnUpdate" runat="server" Text="Update" />

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