RadToolTip offers the property ShowEvent which controls the type of event that triggers the
showing of a tooltip. The possible values are:
- OnMouseOver(Default) - RadToolTip appears on mouse over the target control
- OnClick - RadToolTip appears on clicking with the left button of the mouse on the target control
- OnRightClick - RadToolTip appears on right click with the mouse on the target control
- OnFocus - RadToolTip appears on focus of the target control
In this example a tooltip shows on right click with the mouse on Details for each image as well as on mouse over each picture.
Use the Tab key to move from one TextBox to the other and see how the RadToolTip
opens on focus of the target control. Position the mouse over the Help button to
recieve additional instructions. Left-click the Details link to open a RadToolTip
with information about the image. Right-click the image to see the copyright statement.